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What Makes Life Feel Special


I was talking with a friend about our very best times in life. You know, those moments that stand out as being the very best in your life? What came up for both of us turned out to be a surprise.

Special moments for her have been when her family went to a Lake Cabin. She enjoyed being out of doors, swinging on a tire in a tree, building fires where they made s ‘mores and playing games around the big table in the cabin. It was the fun times hanging out, connecting with family members and it was being in nature. And she said she felt free. That was a biggie. So was being a Mom and contributing to the world being a better place. As a mom, she was wondering how to create those moments that make life feel special and memorable for her daughter

It got me thinking about the moments that have been the very best for me too. Surprisingly, they were moments spent with those I love and care about. My special moments are; being a mom, now a grandmother, when a client is having an epiphany, when I am painting, when I am in love, when I am just goofing off, and all the moments that show up when traveling with the family.

It has less to do with work or accomplishments or making money, and everything to do with relationships. In fact, at one point many years ago when I was really very happy, I was a single Mom struggling financially, working in retail and spent a few months on food stamps, but the quality of the time spent with my family was enormous. In the midst of life chaos, I also found my Spiritual home. What a bonus. So personally, love and fun makes everything feel the very best. My discovery is that quality of life has to do with the people in my life and the quality of my relationships.

It is not what we think about things, but what we feel about our experiences. Years ago I read a book by Barbara De Angelis called “Real Moments” that left a lasting impression on me. The gist was that life is made up of moments and it is up to us to make sure that we are creating good ones. And to make sure that we make room for them.

Slow down. Make space. Allow your choices, attitude, love, and imagination to create those times that make life feel wonderful and memorable. Just let your sillies out! Let go and loosen up. Dance like no one is watching. As the George Strait song goes, “Life is more than breathing in and breathing out; life is about the moments that take your breath away”.

I wish you many of these breathless moments.

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