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The Goals Gals


What does happiness & success look like to you?

As expert business coaches,

Kathy Nelson and Tasha Manzano coach time-strapped professionals on the ABC’s to the XYZ’s of business — systems, time management, setting BIG goals, overcoming challenges — providing them with structure, focus, and accountability — often quadrupling their annual income!

  1. If you find yourself without a business foundation or clear vision to follow

  2. If you need a dream maker to help you visualize change, and aspire for excellence

  3. If you’re missing a structure and need to hone your leadership and time management skills

  4. If your business priorities and your relationships are out of synch

  5. If you are feeling overwhelmed and lonely . . . when you’re at the top there’s no one to brainstorm with — that’s where we come in!


Business Coaching

In Person, Phone, or Skype

Call today (858)481-6757 to schedule a free half hour consultation.

Recent Testimonial, I hired Kathy because the first time we spoke (before I even hired her!), she managed to uncover one of my deepest fears, something that was clearly holding me back in my business. Within a month that fear had been resolved and I more than doubled my client load. Within three months I was in a totally different place both in my own confidence and in the results in my business. I’ve had many coaches and this was my best coaching experience with the best results! – Business Coach, Eli

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