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Power Questions


Good Monday morning! I hope you have had a satisfying and restorative weekend and are starting the week off with a clear mind; goals set, and feel ‘in your grove’.

I decided to do something a little different for you today as we are in the last days of summer. About this time of year many people start to focus on picking up vital new skills and improving business as kids go back to school and summer turns into fall. September is as big or bigger for planning than January.

A life well lived is a life full of pursuing continuing education. I am always looking at areas where I can awaken my spirit and improve business, and part of my joy is in sharing it. It is the coach that lives in me.

I have a great book recommendation for you today called Power Questions that can really help you enhance your communications and relationships.

Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others

An arsenal of powerful questions that will transform e very conversation Skillfully redefine problems. Make an immediate connection with anyone. Rapidly determine if a client is ready to buy. Access the deepest dreams of others. Power Questions sets out a series of strategic questions that will help you win new business and dramatically deepen your professional and personal relationships. The book showcases thirty-five riveting, real conversations with CEOs, billionaires, clients, colleagues, and friends. Each story illustrates the extraordinary power and impact of a thought-provoking, incisive power question. To help readers navigate a variety of professional challenges, over 200 additional, thought-provoking questions are also summarized at the end of the book.

In Power Questions you’ll discover: • The question that stopped an angry executive in his tracks • The sales question CEOs expect you to ask versus the questions they want you to ask • The question that will radically refocus any meeting • The penetrating question that can transform a friend or colleague’s life • A simple question that helped restore a marriage When you use power questions, you magnify your professional and personal influence, create intimate connections with others, and drive to the true heart of the issue every time.

More and more business is nurtured and built by relationships, partnerships, JV ventures, affiliate marketing, and referrals.

Hopefully this book can give you a big POW and help your conversations become powerful, influential and memorable.

Keep investing in YOU! It is the one investment you can count on the return.

Committed to your dreams and success, Kathy


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