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Are you Ready to be Happy? You Can Be Now!


Yes, it can really be that simple. You can decide to live in a state of joy and happiness. But first you must be aware of what does the trick for you. With coaching clients I often talk about what creates success and happiness. What is it? Where does it come from? Sit down and make a list of what makes you happy. Write it down!

I submit it comes from your heart center, your soul, your mind, your experiences, your open mind, your decision to be and accept happiness as a reality of your life and your supporting choices that enhance your feelings of happiness. You learn what it is that makes you feel happy; laughing with friends, fishing in Puget Sound, making love, traveling around the world, doing something for others, reading the newest best seller, creating a painting, or meeting a big hairy challenge. And you live in these experiences and feel the joy, contentment, excitement, and pleasures. It creates a zone. I believe this is our heaven on earth! There is a connection between our inner and outer worlds. This is rich territory.

Rick Foster and Greg Hicks tell us in the book, How We Choose to Be Happy, “True Happiness is a profound, enduring feeling of contentment and capability. It is a deep sense of well being that comes not from riches, things, or singular events but from knowing that we can deal productively and creatively with all that life offers – the good as well as the bad.”

Yes, truly happy people make conscious decisions about how they will confront life’s challenges. They create happiness by making the same internally driven choices.

  1. All make an active intention to be happy

  2. They are accountable for their own actions, thoughts, and feelings

  3. They identify what makes them happy and make it central to their lives

  4. Happy people find meaning and emotional energy even in the face of tragedy

  5. They are flexible and open to life’s many options

  6. They appreciate their life and the people in it

  7. They give unceasingly with no expectation of a return

  8. Happy people are truthful with themselves and others

This calls forth our conscious awareness about how things are going with us. This is ‘making happy’! Spend some time with yourself and decide you are committed to being happy. Get out that list you made. Make sure you are living it. One soul at a time it will make a better world.

~We must be the change we wish to see in the world ~ Gandhi

Blog Post by Kathy Nelson under: Life Coaching AdviceHow to be Happy With Yourself

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