I know this is the week where the gratitude meter goes up, but I wake up saying “thank you” most mornings. Most mornings I AM thankful for my life, good health, the people around me who bless me with their joy and love, and the many opportunities to create and serve. Life is good.
But this morning was different. I helped my daughter move into her new home yesterday. In today’s marketplace getting a new home is no easy feat. I have sympathy for all who are working in real estate and lending. Buying her home was plagued with many ups and downs, affirmations and denials. It was a real rollercoaster ride. And there were a few angels who showed up along the way to facilitate this good happening. I know that when you focus on what you want and why… you don’t have to worry too much about the ‘How’. Miracles do show up. And they did!
So this morning she is living in a sea of boxes and things everywhere, but she is in her brand new home. And I am so grateful for this.
Grateful from my heart. That is what I woke up knowing.
And she is starting over. Again. Many of us find ourselves starting over and how we do it makes the difference. Her spirit and joy is what is beautiful. This too has been a rollercoaster ride. I am proud of her. I am proud of the Mom that she is. I am proud of the woman that she is; strong, resilient, and trying to do the right and honorable things for her children and herself. I am grateful for this.
Grateful from my heart.
And that is what I am talking about today. Is your gratitude in your heart? We can think gratitude and we can feel gratitude and we can act with gratitude. You might feel it deeply within you like a stirring of emotion. Are you IN your Thank You? I mean the kind of gratitude that lifts you up and out. Perhaps a tear in your eye or a laugh bubbling up from your depths? Joy filled! Knowing that THANK YOU with every level of your being? Being in it and It being in you.
So I invite you as you go through your day to notice what you are grateful for. How many THANK YOUs can you find? Just be IN the thank you. Inhabit it. Embody it. And you will connect to your joy too. I wish you a day full of THANK YOUs. In fact, I wish you a life-time full.